Things That I Am Interested In

  • Using technology, data & analytics to do interesting things, and to do uninteresting things better.
  • Writing code that does those things
    • eg. attaché, a multi-cloud IMDS emulation layer
  • Making BBQ with a focus on pork based products and cooking with a focus on widening and improving my repertoire of vegetarian dishes.
  • Max Frisch’s 1971 novella, ‘Man in the Holocene
  • Richard Linklater’s 1991 film, ‘Slacker

feel free to contact me if you’re interested in any of these things, or have questions, comments or even great cat gifs to share

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Everyone has their own preferences and histories when it comes to BBQ, and may prefer a different kind of BBQ, and that is fine and wonderful: BBQ is as much or more about hosting as many friends as you safely can as it is about the food itself. Anything cooking up in large batches and served outside on a hot summer day to friends is a good thing. That being said, for me personally:, growing up an order of BBQ, without adjectives, meant a pulled pork bbq sandwich, likely with cole slaw and a eastern Carolina style sauce or mop on it, and this is how I prefer my BBQ to this day.

Grilled Berbere Chicken

Summary This is a basic riff on Cornell Grilled Chicken, but with a healthy amount of Berbere spice thrown in. Equipment Any grill Ingredients 1 package of chicken drum sticks or thighs or both. 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tbsp light Karo syrup 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice 2 tbsp berbere 1 tbsp dry rosemary, crushed salt to taste Instructions Before anything else, you’re going to want to dry brine your chicken around an hour before you plan to cook it, but don’t stress the timing too much – 30 minutes is probably fine, 90 minutes is probably fine, ideally you’re looking for about 1 hour dry brine time per inch of meat, and chicken isn’t that thick.